Dining Near Cleveland, SC

Here is a list of local dining for you to enjoy while you stay at one of our rental properties.
We hope that you enjoy your SC Upstate Blue Ridge vacation!

1. Aunt Sue's Country Corner

Country cookin’ and ice cream are only minutes away!
Aunt Sue’s Country Corner Website

2. Victoria Valley Vineyards

Tour the vineyards, taste the wine, and stay for a romantic lunch
(Victoria Valley Vineyards Website)

3. Pumpkintown Mountain Opry

Coffee, sandwiches, and BBQ on the weekends!
Read more about their theatre shows and menu options on their facebook page

4. Pumpkintown General Store

Country Cookin’ in a small town family restaurant
See more on their facebook page

5. Traveler's Rest

Just 30 minutes away Traveler’s Rest, SC, a growing town with many delicious food options.
Our favorite restaurants include Sidewall Pizza and Farmhouse Tacos.
Click here to see the menu at Farmhouse Tacos

Upstate SC Vacation Rentals